
A beautiful and intact nature, an exceptional sunshine throughout the year, water that meets the horizon, an unwavering desire to take this opportunity to achieve an project without negative ecological footprint, everything was together to achieve a self-sufficient ecosystem without waste. After all, even under the gray skies of the Paris region, many positive energy buildings are raising.

We need essentially 2 resources that comfort requires, water and energy

It is very easy to enjoy a generous nature in Majunga to produce electricity and pump fresh water, well beyond the needs of the domain. To produce electricity, it takes sun or wind and to ensure a sufficient level in the well, enough rain.

Producing more than we needs is very easy, producing WHEN we need is often impossible. We will have to store. Current storage techniques are very far from allowing acceptable costs to reglate annually production and need. I envy these buildings labeled positive energy that just have to make a difference between energy produced and consumed at the end of the year to affirm their exemplary ecology.

To ensure the power generation, Somaroala is equipped with 12 large solar panels and 2 wind turbines that are only used at night.

To store this energy, Somaroala has four large 200AH gel batteries, which seems a lot but is derisory in terms of need. For example, this can just ensure the operation of 2 150W refrigerator for a night of 12h. It remains to ensure lighting also at night and other elements of comfort (television, charging phone, etc.)

Another source of energy storage combined with water storage is moving large volume of water in height. Somaroala has 2 large tanks at 8 meters height. The pumping and upwelling exclusively during periods of maximum sunlight allows the use of this water on demand, the restituted energy guarantees the distribution pressure without any other source of energy required. A solar water heater allows always water at the desired temperature

We had to resolve the needs of water in dry season and Electricity on nights without wind by punctually buying these resources. A big "thank you" to Philippe du Domaine Boeny who has put in place a heavy supply infrastructure and ensure us access if needed.

So, failure? Not quite, 80% of our needs are covered by an independent production which costs in investment and maintenance between 3 and 5 times more expensive than the water or the electricity of the public network.

Thank you for having a little thought to all this when opening a tap or turning on a light ...



PS: I could also talk about the treatment and disposal of waste..Also the realism led me to value a small percentage and treat the rest.